The ByCatch Web Services provide the ability to retrieve data and use the services from the ByCatch through a programing interface.
Each part of the web services are provided by a web service Aplication Programme Interface (API), which defines the name, input to, and output from the service for a particular data request.
The following web service APIs are provided: |
Description |
This API of the webservice returns list of Species for the ByCatch road map. |
Input |
None |
Output |
Returns the list of species in the ICES road map of ByCatch. |
Example |
Example of using the webservice
Description |
This API of the webservice returns an overview of the submissions for an input year. |
Input |
Year |
Example |
Description |
Returns a JSON Web Token (JWT) that enables the user to make API requests that require authentication. A JWT token. . |
Input |
[Body (Form Data)]
User (ICES user name)
Password (current password for the ICES user, same that you use in the ICES sharepoint)
Output |
If successfull, then it will return you the JWT token, you can read more about it here. |
Description |
An authenticated and authorized user can returns the records of the fishing effort for a specified year. |
Input |
Year |
Output |
Returns the list PETS. |
Example |
Example of using the webservice
Description |
An authenticated and authorized user can returns the records of ByCatch monitor effort for a specified year. |
Input |
Year |
Output |
Records of ByCatch monitor effort for a specified year. |
Example |
Example of using the webservice
Description |
An authenticated and authorized user can returns the records of ByCatch event for a specified year. |
Input |
Year |
Output |
Records of ByCatch event for a specified year. |
Example |
Example of using the webservice
Description |
An authenticated and authorized user can returns the list of uploads for a submission year. |
Input |
Year |
Output |
Returns the list of uploads for a submission year. |
Example |
Example of using the webservice